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T-34 Mentor (matte finished)T-34 Mentor (matte finished), Span 190cm, Engine 20cc-22cc 0.17m3 by Seagull Models

T-34 Mentor (matte finished)T-34 Mentor (matte finished), Span 190cm, Engine 20cc-22cc 0.17m3 by Seagull Models

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T-34 Mentor (matte finished)T-34 Mentor (matte finished), Span 190cm, Engine 20cc-22cc 0.17m3 by Seagull Models

Wingspan ................ 74.8 in (190 cm).
Wing area ................  848.5 (
Weight ..................... 11.2 lbs ( 5.1 kg).
Length ..................... 56.3 in (143 cm).
Engine .....................  20-22cc
           ..................... Power 110
Radio ...................... 6 channels with 11 servos.
Electric conversion: Optional

Key Feature T-34 Mentor Matte Finished

The T-34 Mentor combines excitment and performance and improved aerodynamics in this Warbird trainer.
* High quality balsa and balsa plywood, these make light weight construction.
* Eye Catching Scale Colour Scheme.
* Improved aerodynamics provide more stable flight characteristics and more stable easy to fly warbird. 
* High-quality prepainted fiberglass cowl plus cockpit detail
* Great scale flight performance and aerobatics.
" The sport scale looks of the warbird and performance of 20cc gasoline ARF.
* Ultimately it resulted in a very nice-looking for both color schemes and great-flying plane. 
* Fantastic looks and Awesome performance
* Delivers strong sport performance using gasoline engine power or Glow engine and Electric Power conversion.
* All necessary hardware included